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Risultati 800-820 di 1866

Pericles on stage

political comedy in Aristophanesʼ early plays

  • Vickers, Michael J. 1943-

Aeschylus Homericus

Untersuchungen zu den Homerismen der Aeschyleischen Sprache

  • Sideras, Alexander


the earlier plays and related studies

  • Conacher, D.J

Sophocles and the Greek language

aspects of diction, syntax and pragmatics

Aristophanis Vespae

cum prolegomenis et commentariis

  • Aristophanes

Il testo di Euripide nell'antichità

ricerche sulla tradizione testuale euripidea antica : (sec. 4. a.C. - sec. 8. d.C.)

  • Carrara, Paolo

Sprachliche Untersuchungen zu Herondas [+]

mit einem kritischexegetischen Anhang

  • Schmidt, Volkmar

Agatone e la tragedia attica di fine 5. sec. a.C. [+]

studio delle testimonianze e dei frammenti

  • Gavazza, Beatrice

The people of Aristophanes [+]

a sociology of old Attic comedy

  • Ehrenberg, Victor