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Risultati 240-260 di 1866

The hidden chorus

echoes of genre in tragic lyric

  • Swift, L.A.


V, Prometeo encadenado. Fragmentos de otras tragedias sobre Prometeo

  • Aeschylus

Eupolis frr. 326-497

translation and commentary

  • Eupolis


introduzione, traduzione e commento

  • Pellegrino, Matteo

The plays and fragments

IV, The Philoctetes

  • Sophocles

Oedipus Tyrannos

tragic heroism and the limits of knouledge

  • Segal, Charles

Tragedy, comedy and the polis

papers from the Greek drama conference : Nottingham 18-20 July 1990

Aeschylus and Sophocles

their work and influence

  • Sheppard, John Tresidder

Die Perser

griechisch und deutsch

  • Aeschylus

Il linguaggio politico nel Prometeo di Eschilo

saggio di semantica

  • Cerri, Giovanni


eine ethologische Studie / von Otto Ribbeck

  • Ribbeck, Otto

La passion du Christ


  • Gregorius Nazianzenus santo