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Framebasierte Wörterbuchartikel

zur Systematisierung der lexikographischen Präsentation des Bedeutungswissens zu Substantiven

  • Konerding, Klaus-Peter


ein Arbeitsbuch

  • Lutzeier, Peter Rolf

Symposium on Lexicography II

Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Lexicography May 16-17, 1984 at the University of Copenhagen

Coloquio de lexicografía, 27 e 28 de febreiro e 1 de marzo de 1986

  • Coloquio de lexicografía Santiago de Compostela 1986

Lexicology, semantics and lexicography

selected papers from the fourth G.L.Brook Symposium, Manchester, August 1998

  • G.L. Brook symposium 4. Manchester 1988

The bilingual LSP dictionary

principles and practice for legal language

  • Nielsen, Sandro

Slownik geodezyjny w 5 jezykach

Polskim, Rosyjskim, Niemieckim, Angielskim, Francuskim

Conference terminology

a manual for conference-members and interpreters in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, German

Word by word

the secret life of Dictionaries

  • Stamper, Kory

Vocabolarietto poliglotta dei nomi di parassiti e malattie delle piante


  • Ciferri, Raffaele