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Risultati 20-40 di 467

Books of fate and popular culture in early China

the daybook manuscripts of the Warring States, Qin, and Hand

La raison des signes [+]

présages, rites, destin dans les sociétés de la Méditerranée ancienne

Divination in the ancient Near East

a workshop on divination conducted during the 54. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Würzburg, 20-25 July 2008

The seer in ancient Greece

  • Flower, Michael Attyah

Worlds full of signs [+]

ancient Greek divination in context

  • Beerden, Kim

Divination as science

a workshop conducted during the 60. Rencontre assyriologique internationale, Warsaw, 2014

The art of divination in the ancient Near East

reading the signs of heaven and earth

  • Maul, Stefan M.

Deviner pour agir

regards comparatifs sur des pratiques divinatoires anciennes et contemporaines

L' art de la conjecture

  • Jouvenel, Bertrand: de

Mantik in Ugarit

keilalphabetische Texte der Opferschau, Omensammlungen, Nekromantie

  • Dietrich, Manfried

Mantikê [+]

studies in ancient divination

Secrets of extispicy

the chapter Multābiltu of the Babylonian extispicy series and Niṣirti bārûti texts mainly from Aššurbanipalʼs library