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Risultati 200-220 di 333

Fusariosi del gladiolo

patogenesi, prevenzione e lotta : tesi di dottorato

  • Dallavalle, Elisabetta

Pseudomonas syringae pathovars

proceedings of the 4. International working group on Pseudomonas syringae pathovars : Florence, Italy, 10-13 june 1991

  • International working group on pseudomonas syringae pathovars 4. Florence 1991

Giornate fitopatologiche

atti 1978 : Catania-Acireale, 8-10 marzo 1978

  • Giornate fitopatologiche Catania, Acireale 1978

Die in und an dem korper des lebenden menschen vorkommenden parasiten

ein lehr- und handbuch der diagnose und behandlung der thierischen und pflanzlichen parasiten des menschen : zum gebrauche für studirende der medicin und der naturwissenschaften, für lehrer der zoologie, botanik, physiologie, pathologischen anatomie und fur praktische ärzte

  • Küchenmeister, Friedrich

First international symposium on small fruit virus diseases

Heidelberg, 1 September 1976

  • International symposium on small fruit virus diseases 1. Heidelberg 1976

Riunioni informative 1968-1969

relazioni tecniche

  • Osservatorio per le malattie delle piante

Weeds and herbicides

21st International horticultural congress : 29 August - 4 September 1982, Hamburg, Fed. Rep. of Germany

  • International horticultural congress 21. Hamburg 1982

Fire blight of Pomoideae (Erwinia amylovora, Burrill, Winslow et al.)

applied research in Europe (1978-88) : recherches appliquées conduites en Europe (1978-1988)

Fourth international symposium on virus diseases of ornamental plants

Noordwijkerhout, 3-8 May 1976

  • International symposium on virus diseases of ornamental plants 4. Noordwijkerhout 1976

Lezioni di entomologia agraria

nell'anno accademico 1929-1930

  • Grandi, Guido

Crop and plant protection

the practical foundations

  • Heitefuss, Rudolf

Guida per la scelta, acquisto ed impiego corretto dei fitofarmaci

  • Regione Emilia RomagnaDipartimento Agricoltura e Alimentazione