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Risultati 20-40 di 114

The International Criminal Court and national courts

a contentious relationship

  • Jurdi, Nidal Nabil

Governance, order, and the International Criminal Court

between realpolitik and a cosmopolitan court

International criminal justice

law and practice from the Rome statute to its review

Una umanità una giustizia

contributo allo studio sulla giurisdizione penale universale

  • Pasculli, Maria Antonella

Forced labour and human trafficking

casebook of Court decisions : a training manual for judges, prosecutors and legal practitioners

  • International Labour OrganizationSpecial Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour

The International Criminal Court

a commentary on the Rome Statute

  • Schabas, William A.

The making of international criminal justice

a view from the bench : selected speeches

  • Meron, Theodor 1930-

Defending the society of states

why America opposes the International Criminal Court and its vision of world society

  • Ralph, Jason

I tribunali penali internazionalizzati

fondamento, giurisdizione e diritto applicabile

  • Ragni, Chiara

Il giudice nel labirinto

profili delle intersezioni tra diritto penale e fonti sovranazionali

  • Manes, Vittorio

Means to an end

U.S. interest in the International Criminal Court

  • Feinstein, Lee

Active complementarity

legal information transfer

Der Verbrechensbegriff des römischen Statuts

ein Beitrag zu einer statutsimmanenten Strukturanalyse des römischen Statuts des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs

  • Jesse, Björn

The politics of constructing the international criminal court

NGOs, discourse, and agency

  • Struett, Michael J.