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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 380-400 di 602

Globalisierung und Recht

Beiträge Japans und Deutschlands zu einer internationalen Rechtsordnung im 21. Jahrhundert


sociological perspectives

Sexuality repositioned

diversity and the law

Persone e stati

le conseguenze della "glocalizzazione" e della innovazione tecnologica : Atti del convegno, Teramo, 13-15 novembre 2003

Diritto e mediazione

per riconoscere la complessità

  • Vianello, Francesca

The life of the law

anthropological projects

  • Nader, Laura

Educating for justice around the world

legal education, legal practice and the community

Law and the public interest

proceedings of the 1992 ALSP conference

  • United Kingdom association for social and legal philosophy

Law as culture

an invitation

  • Rosen, Lawrence

The geography of law

landscape, identity and regulation