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Risultati 20-40 di 56

Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte

ausgewählte Aufsätze

  • May, Georg

Law and religion

  • Sandberg, Russell

Jus quia justum

lezioni di filosofia del diritto e della religione

  • D'Agostino, Francesco 1946-

Democrazie e religioni

libertà religiosa, diversità e convivenza nell' Europa del 21. secolo : atti del Convegno Nazionale ADEC, Trento, 22-23 ottobre 2015

Islam and English law

rights, responsibilities and the place of Shari'a

Fundamentalism in American religion and law

Obama's challenge to patriarchy's threat to democracy

  • Richards, David A. J.

Law, religion, constitution

freedom of religion, equal treatment, and the law

Theologians and contract law

the moral transformation of the Jus Commune : (ca. 1500-1650)

  • Decock, Wim

Religiöses Recht und religiöse Gerichte als Herausforderung des Staates: Rechtspluralismus in vergleichender Perspektive

Ergebnisse der 35. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung vom 10. bis 12. September 2015 in Bayreuth : proceedings of the 35th Congress of the Society of Comparative Law in Bayreuth, September 10-12, 2015

  • Tagung der Gesellaschaft für Rechtsvergleichung 35. Bayreuth 2015

Religion in the mirror of law

Eastern European perspectives from the early modern period to 1939

Diritto e religioni nelle democrazie contemporanee

una prospettiva normativa

  • Taranto, Salvatore

Permutations of order

religion and law as contested sovereignties