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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 370

Opere dell'ingegno e modelli di tutela

regole proprietarie e soluzioni convenzionali

  • Giannone Codiglione, Giorgio

Copyright and information privacy

conflicting rights in balance

  • Giovanella, Federica

Intellectual property and biotechnology

biological inventions

  • Rimmer, Matthew

The legal protection of databases

a comparative analysis

  • Derclaye, Estelle

The intellectual property debate

perspectives from law, economics and political economy

Master of laws in intellectual property

collection of research papers 2011

  • Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle Ginevra

Direitos autorais

entre as relações sociais e as relações jurídicas

  • Staut Júnior, Sérgio Said

Marken und andere Kennzeichen

Einführung in die Praxis

  • Hildebrandt, Ulrich

Der urheberrechtliche schutz digitaler werke

eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Schutz- und Sanktionsmassnahmen in deutschen, italienischen und englischen Recht

  • Santangelo, Chiara

I Savoia e gli autori

  • Ubertazzi, Luigi Carlo