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Risultati 20-40 di 83

Il tribunale per la ex-Iugoslavia

l'attività svolta e il suo prossimo scioglimento

The Mauthausen trial

American military justice in Germany

  • Jardim, Tomaz

Americans, Germans, and war crimes justice

law, memory, and "The Good War"

  • Weingartner, James J.

Men to devils, devils to men

Japanese war crimes and Chinese justice

  • Kushner, Barak

Culture under cross-examination

international justice and the Special court for Sierra Leone

  • Kelsall, Tim

Transcultural justice at the Tokyo Tribunal

the Allied struggle for justice, 1946-48

The Sierra Leone Special Court and its legacy

the impact for Africa and international criminal law

Il processo di Norimberga a cinquant'anni dalla sua celebrazione

atti del Simposio internazionale, Lecce, 5-6-7 dicembre 1997

Japanese war criminals

the politics of justice after the Second World War

Hidden atrocities

Japanese germ warfare and American obstruction of justice at the Tokyo Trial

  • Guillemin, Jeanne