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Risultati 160-180 di 689


Umrisse einer neuen Sprachwissenschaft

  • Wandruszka, Mario

Linguistic variation

models and methods

The acquisition of Creole languages

how children surpass their input

  • Adone, Dany

Le lingue del mondo

brevi notizie storiche e geografiche con cartine e disegni

  • Belardi, Walter

Languages of the world

an introduction

  • Pereltsvaig, Asya

Problemi della ricostruzione in linguistica

atti del convegno internazionale di studi : Pavia, 1-2 ottobre 1975

  • SLI

Language typology 1987

systematic balance in language : papers from the linguistics typology symposium, Berkeley, 1-3 December 1987

  • Linguistic typology symposium Berkeley 1987

Theorie, Methode und Didaktik der historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft

Kolloquium der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft am 11. und 12. Juni 1971 in Köln

  • Indogermanische Gesellschaft

Historical linguistics 2007

selected papers from the 18. International conference on historical linguistics, Montreal, 6-11 August 2007

  • International conference on historical linguistics 18 Montréal 2007