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Risultati 160-180 di 297

Il torace

  • Squire, Lucy Frank

Progress in radiology

symposia and invited papers of the XI. International congress of radiology : Rome, 22-28 September 1965

  • International congress of radiology 11. Roma 1965

Handbuch der Röntgen-Lehre

zum gebrauche für Mediziner

  • Gocht, Hermann

La flebografia

quando e perché

  • Fiorani, Paolo

Substante de contrast radioopace iodate

aportul lor in clinica moderna

  • Bîrzu, I.

Les radiologistes

imagiers da la médecine

  • Wackenheim, Auguste


metodo röntgenologico per la esplorazione analitica dei singoli strati sovrapposti

  • Vallebona, Alessandro

Imaging and visual documentation in medicine

state-of-the-art and future prospects of imaging and image documentation techniques for medical diagnosis, education and communication : proceedings of Documed Europe '87, the first European conference on the applications of imaging and visual documentation in medicine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 24-27, 1987

  • Documed Europe '87 Amsterdam

Compendio di diagnostica radiologica

guida all'analisi dei reperti in radiologia generale

  • Meschan, Isadore