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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 320-340 di 1418

Designed in the USSR, 1950-1989

from the collection of the Moscow Design Museum

  • Moscow Design Museum Mosca

Speculative everything

design, fiction, and social dreaming

  • Dunne, Anthony

Design roots

culturally significant designs, products and practices

Danish modern furniture, 1930-2016

the rise, decline and re-emergence of a cultural market category

  • Hansen, Per H.

Le politiche per il design e il design per le politiche

dal focus sulla soluzione alla centralità della valutazione

Involucri sensibili

integumentary design

The designed world

images, objects, environments

What Africa can do for Europe

31 brilliant ideas to inspire the world

Design, when everybody designs

an introduction to design for social innovation

  • Manzini, Ezio

Interdisciplinary design

progetto e relazione tra saperi


Design&iSud : progettare esperienze tra design e artigianato