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Risultati 1-18 di 18


the power of thinking without thinking

  • Gladwell, Malcolm

Administrative behavior

a study of decision-making processes in administrative organizations

  • Simon, Herbert A., 1916-2001

Games of strategy [+]

  • Dixit, Avinash K.

Reckoning with risk

learning to live with uncertainty

  • Gigerenzer, Gerd

Risk savvy

how to make good decisions

  • Gigerenzer, Gerd

Simply rational

decision making in the real world

  • Gigerenzer, Gerd

Ambiguity and choice in public policy

political decision making in modern democracies

  • Zahariadis, Nikolaos

Decision analysis

introductory lectures on choices under uncertainty

  • Raiffa, Howard

Risultati 1-18 di 18