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Risultati 40-60 di 145

The Zhi mä funeral ceremony of the Na-khi of Southwest China

described and translated from Na-khi manuscripts

  • Rock, Joseph Francis Charles

Colonial desire

hybridity in theory, culture and race

  • Young, Robert 1950-

New Guinea gardens

a study of husbandry with parallels in prehistoric Europe

  • Steensberg, Axel

The Todas

their history and ethnography

  • Marshall, William Elliot

Initiative and initiation

a cargo cult-type movement in the Sepik against its background in traditional village religion

  • Gesch, Patrick F.

Ahnen, Geister, höchste Wesen

religionsethnologische Untersuchungen im Zaire-Kasai-Gebiet

  • Thiel, Josef Franz

Il pensiero selvaggio

  • Lévi-Strauss, Claude

Il pensiero dei primitivi

Preludio a un' antropologia

  • Cantoni, Remo

Museo dell'uomo [+]

usi, costumi, tradizioni di tutti i popoli della terra

La differenza culturale

una prospettiva sociologica

  • Wieviorka, Michel

The China quarterly [+]

an international journal for the study of China

Parole date

le lezioni al Collège de France e all' École pratique des hautes études (1951-1982)

  • Lévi-Strauss, Claude

Le culture della storia e della memoria

risoluzione finale del campus

  • Rivera, Annamaria