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Risultati 560-580 di 18300

In Blaubarts Burg

Anmerkungen zur Neudefinition der Kultur

  • Steiner, George


conflict - analysis - dialogue : proceedings of the 29. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2006

  • International Wittgenstein Symposium 29. Kirchberg am Wechsel 2006

From the soil

the foundations of Chinese society : a translation of Fei Xiaotong's Xiangtu Zhongguo

  • Fei, Hsiao-t'ung

Hábitat, economía y sociedad

(intrducción geográfica a la etnología)

  • Forde, C. Daryll

Public vows

a history of marriage and the nation

  • Cott, Nancy F.

Towards a social science of language [+]

papers in honor of William Labov : volume 1 : variation and change in language and society

Habits of thought in the English Renaissance

religion, politics, and the dominant culture

  • Shuger, Debora Kuller

The subversive family

an alternative history of love and marriage

  • Mount, Ferdinand


the loving family in old Europe

  • Ozment, Steven E.

Il plurilinguismo in area germanica nel medioevo

XXX Convegno, Associazione italiana di filologia germanica, Bari 4-6 giugno 2003

  • Associazione italiana di filologia germanica