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Risultati 80-100 di 456

Il tempo della natura

ciclicità e irreversibilità dei fenomeni naturali

Proceedings of the second international meeting on time determination dissemination and synchronization

  • International meeting on time determination dissemination and synchronization 2. Cagliari 1974

Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums [+]

Antike Chronologie im Spiegel der Quellen

Studia chronologica

estudios sobre manuscritos latinos de computo

  • Gómez Pallarés, Joan

Le date della storia moderna

  • Silvestrini, Maria Teresa

The Islamic and christian calendars

AD 622-2222 (AH 1-1650) : a complete guide for converting christian and Islamic dates and dates of festivals

  • Freeman-Grenville, Greville Stewart Parker

The study of time 2.

proceedings of the 2. conference of the international society for the study of time, Lake-Yamanaka, Japan

The study of time 3.

proceedings of the international society for the study of time : Alpbach-Austria

Le calendrier romain [+]

recherches chronologiques

  • Brind'amour, Pierre

Ritmi nascosti

orari e calendari nella vita sociale

  • Zerubavel, Eviatar

The nature of time

geometry, physics and perception

The study of time 4.

papers from the Fourth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Alpbach-Austria

  • Conference of international society for the study of time 4. 1979

Anno Domini

the origins of the Christian era

  • Declercq, Georges


la misura del tempo dalla preistoria a oggi

  • Paltrinieri, Giovanni

The metronomic society

natural rhythms and human timetables

  • Young, Michael Dunlop

Liber decennalis

  • Sigebertus: Gemblacensis ca. 1030-1112