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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 542


  • Kratochvìl, Petr

Molecular crystals and molecules

  • Kitajgorodskij, Aleksandr Isaakovic

International tables for x-ray crystallography

  • International union of crystallography

Kristalle und Gesteine

ein Lehrbuch der Kristallkunde und allgemeinen Mineralogie

  • Eskola, Pentti

Optical methods of investigating solid bodies.

Vol. 25: Proceedings of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute


  • Jaynes, Edwin T.

Phase transitions in ferroelastic and co-elastic crystals

an introduction for mineralogists ...

  • Salje, E.K.H.

Comparative crystal chemistry

temperature, pressure, composition and the variation of crystal structure

  • Hazen, Robert M.

Mineralogische Tabellen

eine Klassifizierung der Mineralien auf kristallchemischer Grundlage : mit einer Einführung in die Kristallchemie

  • Strunz, Hugo

Dislocations and mechanical properties of crystals

an international conference held at Lake Placid, September 6-8, 1956

Advances in liquid crystal research and applications

proceedings of the third Liquid crystal conference of the socialist countries, Budapest, 27-31 August 1979

  • Liquid crystal conference of the socialist countries 3. Budapest 1979


déformation des corps cristallisés groupements polymorphisme-isomorphisme

  • Wallerant, Frédéric Félix Auguste