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the science of secret writing

  • Smith, Laurence Dwight

Advances in cryptology Eurocrypt '89

workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques, Houthalen, Belgium, April 10-13, 1989 : proceedings

Information hiding

first international workshop cambridge, U.K., May/June, 1996 proceedings

Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems- CHES 2002

4th international workshop, Redwood Shores, CA, USA, August 13-15, 2002 : revised papers

  • International workshop on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems 4. Redwood Shores, USA 2002

Applied cryptography

protocols, algorithms, and source code in C

  • Schneier, Bruce

Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems - CHES 2005

7th international workshop, Edinburgh, UK, August 29 - September 1, 2005 : proceedings

  • International workshop on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems 7. Edinburgh, UK 2005

Advances in cryptology - Auscrypt '90

International Conference on Cryptology, Sydney, Australia, January 8-11, 1990, Proceedings

Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems - CHES 2004

6th international workshop, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 11-13, 2004 : proceedings

  • International workshop on cryptographic hardware and embedded systems 6. Cambridge, MA, USA 2004

Modern Cryptology

A Tutorial

  • Brassard, Gilles

Public-key cryptography

State of the Art and Future Directions

La guerra dei codici [+]

la storia segreta dei codici segreti

  • Kahn, David

Cryptography and network security

principles and practice

  • Stallings, William

La cryptographie devoilee, ou Art de traduire ou de dechiffrer toutes les ecritures en quelques caracteres et en quelques langues que ce soit qoique l'on ne connaisse ni ces caracteres ni ces langues

applique aux langues francaise, allemande, anglaise, latine, italienne, flamande et hollandaise : suivi d'un precis analytique des langues ecrites au moyen du quel on peut les traduire sans en avoir aucune connaissance prealable

  • Vesin, Charles-Francois

Nuovo sistema criptografico alfabetico per tutte le lingue

corredato di nove tavole dimostrative

  • Nahmias, Alessandro

Crittografia [+]

tecniche di protezione dei dati riservati

  • Sgarro, Andrea