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Risultati 40-60 di 156

The law of war crimes

national and international approaches

Crímenes de lesa humanidad

genealogía de un concepto jurídico-filosofíco contemporáneo

  • Esteves, Leonor

L'imprescriptibilite des crimes de guerre et contre l'humanite

etude de droit international et de droit penal compare

  • Mertens, Pierre

Crimes de l'histoire et reparations

les reponses du droit et de la justice

Judging criminal leaders

the slow erosion of impunity

  • Beigbeder, Yves

Defences bei Kriegsverbrechen am Beispiel Deutschlands und der USA

zugleich ein Beitrag zu einem Allgemeinen Teil des Volkerstrafrechts

  • Nill-Theobald, Christiane

Practice and procedure of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

with selected materials from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

  • Ackerman, John E. 1939-

Judging war criminals

the politics of international justice

  • Beigbeder, Yves

Immunità e crimini internazionali

l'esercizio della giurisdizione penale e civile nei confronti degli organi statali sospettati di gravi crimini internazionali

  • Frulli, Micaela

Prosecuting war crimes and genocide

the twentieth-century experience

  • Ball, Howard 1937-

War crimes and war crime trials

from Leipzig to the ICC and beyond : cases, materials and comments

  • Watkins, John C.