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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 500-520 di 1338

Landform building

architecture’s new terrain

Abitare la piega

piegare, incidere, stratificare

Dal relativo all'eventuale

il progetto architettonico

  • Manieri Elia, Mario

Architettura e tecnologia


  • Paris, Spartaco

The bones of architecture

structure and design practices

  • Moravanszky, Akos

Architects detail sheets

96 selected sheets : fourth series

Pictorial encyclopedia of historic architectural plans, details and elements

with 1,880 line drawings of arches, domes, doorways, facades, gables, windows, etc.

  • Haneman, John Theodore

The rent of form

architecture and labor in the digital age

  • Arantes, Pedro Fiori

The principles of planning buildings

an analytical treatise : for the use of architects and others

  • Marks, Percy L.

Skins, envelopes and enclosures

concepts for designing building exteriors

  • Yu, Mayine L.