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Risultati 1-20 di 168

Coastal geomorphology

an introduction

  • Bird, Eric C. F.

Beaches and coasts

  • King, Cuchlaine A. M.

Progettare la costa

temi ed esperienze per l'euroregione adriatica

Atlante delle spiagge italiane

dinamismo, tendenza evolutiva, opere umane

Beach nourishment and protection

  • National Research Council U.S.Marine BoardCommittee on Beach Nourishment and Protection

History and heritage of coastal engineering

a collection of papers on the history of coastal engineering in countries hosting the International Coastal Engineering Conference 1950-1996

Sustainable management of Mediterranean coastal fresh and transitional water bodies

a socio-economic and environmental analysis of changes and trends to enhance and sustain stakeholder benefits : proceedings of the international conference of the WADI project (INCO-CT2005 015226), Malta, 5-8 november 2008

  • Conference of the WADI project Malta 2008

Progetti lungo la linea di costa

identità adriatiche

  • Pignatti, Lorenzo

Rete di paesaggi costieri

una blueway per Porto Venere

  • Burlando, Patrizia

Difesa delle coste e ingegneria naturalistica

manuale di ripristino degli habitat lagunari, dunari, litoranei e marini

  • Boccalaro, Federico

Risultati 1-20 di 168