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Risultati 1-20 di 69

Structures of social action

studies in conversation analysis

Getting acquainted in conversation

a study of initial interactions

  • Svennevig, Jan

That's not what I meant!

how conversational style makes or breaks your relations with others

  • Tannen, Deborah

The interactional architecture of the language classroom

a conversation analysis perspective

  • Seedhouse, Paul

Mi lasci dire

la conversazione nei galatei

  • Alfonzetti, Giovanna M.

Conversazioni, storie, discorsi

interazioni comunicative tra pubblico e privato

Telefonare in diverse lingue

organizzazione sequenziale, routine e rituali in telefonate di servizio, di emergenza e fàtiche

La conversazione diseguale

potere e interazione

  • Orletti, Franca

Conversation analysis

studies from the first generation

  • Lerner, Gene H.

Producing and managing restricted activities

avoidance and withholding in institutional interaction

Action and agency in dialogue

passion, incarnation and ventriloquism

  • Cooren, François

Risultati 1-20 di 69