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Risultati 1-20 di 59

Contra Iulianum

(opus imperfectum). Tomus prior, libri I-III

  • Augustinus, Aurelius santo

La diasporà catafrigia

Tertulliano e la Nuova profezia

  • Faggiotto, Agostino

Apocalittica e gnosticismo

atti del Colloquio Internazionale, Roma 18-19 giugno 1993

Simon Magus

an essay on the founder of simonianism based on the ancient sources with a re-evaluation of his philosophy and teachings

  • Mead, George Robert Stow

The gnostic religion

the message of the alien god and the beginnings of Christianity

  • Jonas, Hans

Beyond gnosticism

myth, lifestyle, and society in the school of Valentinus

  • Dunderberg, Ismo

Lettre à Flora

  • Ptolemaeus Gnosticus

Gnosis als System

zur Rezeption der valentinianischen Gnosis bei Origenes

  • Strutwolf, Holger

Die Geschichte des Montanismus

  • Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathanael

The pattern of Christian truth

a study in the relations between orthodoxy and heresy in the early Church

  • Turner, Henry Ernest William


gruppi, movimenti e fazioni del giudaismo antico e del cristianesimo (da Filone Alessandrino a Egesippo)

  • Perrotta, Romolo

Recherches sur Simon le Mage

I, L'Apophasis megalè

  • Salles-Dabadie, Jean-Marie-Antoine

Horrenda secta

Untersuchungen zum frühchristlichen Montanismus und seinen Verbindungen zur paganen Religion Phrygiens

  • Hirschmann, Vera-Elisabeth

Der Montanismus und die phrygischen Kulte

eine religionsgeschichtliche untersuchung

  • Schepelern, Wilhelm

Refutatio omnium haeresium

  • Hippolytus Romanus santo

La crise montaniste

  • Labriolle, Pierre de

Risultati 1-20 di 59