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Risultati 40-60 di 79

San Bruno ed i suoi figli di Certosa [+]

Father Augustine Baker's translations from the works of John Tauler in the latin version of Laurentius Surius. The construction of the Charterhouse of Pesio

  • Callà, Antonio

Una reliquia di santa Caterina da Siena per la Certosa di Pontignano [+]

Geografia delle certose : espansione dell'ordine certosino. Il piccolo trattato sulla prospettiva inserito nel 6. libro della Margarita philosophica del priore certosino Gregor Reisch. Commento alla xilographia Tipus astronomiae nel 7. libro della Margarita philosophica del priore certosino Gregor Reisch. The recovery of the Charterhouse of Serra San Bruno. The Charterhouse of Liegnitz as seen in the Acta of the Carthusian General Chapter

The Carthusian general chapter and the Spanish Charterhouses, 1410-1535 ; the Charterhouses of Europe [+]

La Cartoixa de Vall de Crist. The revival of the Birgittine monks in the twentieth century: various attemps

  • Hogg, James 1931-

Discretio [+]

zur Hermeneutik der religiösen Erfahrung bei Dionysius dem Kartäuser

  • Podlech, Stefan

Expansión y organización de la Orden de la Cartuja [+]

breve historia de la Orden y sus casas desde su fundación por san Bruno en 1084 hasta el 2001

  • Mayo Escudero, Juan

Stand up to godwards [+]

essays in mystical and monastic theology in honour of the reverend John Clark on his sixty-fifth birthday

Correspondance [+]

  • Le Masson, Innocent 1628-1703

Una descripcion seiscentista de la Cartuja de Aula Dei (Zaragoza) [+]

Der Kartauserorden gestern und heute ; The Charterhouse of Valldemossa in the acta of the Carthusian General Chapter ; Guigo von Kastel ; Guigo 2. ; Language, self and love

  • Ferrer Orts, Albert

Liber amicorum Jan De Grauwe [+]

essays over de geschiedenis en het spirituele leven van de kartuizers

Historiographie des Kartauserordens [+]

Rhetorica deutsch ; Castles of the mind ; A strange tongue ; Medieval virginities ; Shadows of Mary ; Oswaldi de Corda Opus pacis. The Charterhouses of Lethenkow and Lechnitz as seen in the Acta of the Carthusian General Chapter

  • Hogg, James 1931-

De amore Dei et proximi [+]

  • Albertano: da#Brescia

Escritores cartujos de España

(edición corregida y aumentada 1976)

  • Puig-Rigau, Jose-Oriol