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Risultati 40-60 di 425

Attentato alla Sinagoga

Roma, 9 ottobre 1982 : il conflitto israelo-palestinese e l'Italia

  • Marzano, Arturo 1973-

Lo Stato d'Israele

discussioni e problemi

Blind spot

America and the Palestinians from Balfour to Trump

  • Elgindy, Khaled

Terra Santa, guerra profana

israeliani e palestinesi

  • La Guardia, Anton

The politics of sacred space

the old city of Jerusalem in the Middle East conflict

  • Dumper, Michael


the struggle to survive

  • Dolan, David

Holy war

the Crusades and their impact on today's world

  • Armstrong, Karen 1944-

Grasping the nettle of peace

a senior Palestinian figure speaks out

  • al-Hassan, Khaled

The Israel-Arab reader

a documentary history of the Middle East conflict

Paix ou guerre

les secrets des negociations israelo-arabes, 1917-1995

  • Enderlin, Charles