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Risultati 1-14 di 14

Transactions of the symposium on computing, mechanics, statistics and partial differential equations

held at the University of Chicago April 29-30, 1954 : the second symposium on applied mathematics

  • Symposium on applied mathematics 2. New York University 1954

The general inquired

A computer approach to content analysis

  • Dunphy, Dexter C.

DNA computing

6th international workshop on DNA-based computers, DNA 2000, Leiden, The Netherlands, June 13-17, 2000 : revised papers

  • International workshop on DNA-based computers 6. Leiden 2000

A dictionary of computers

penguin reference books

  • Chandor, Anthony


  • Reffin-Smith, Brian

Computers 2

  • Lovis, F. B.

Computers 1

with an introduction to binary arithmetic

  • Lovis, F. B.


bambini, computers e creativita

E-Mail per tutti

guida all'uso della posta elettronica per comunicare e lavorare meglio

  • Gualtierotti, Davide

Computer a responsabilità limitata

dove le macchine non riescono ad arrivare

  • Harel, David

Risultati 1-14 di 14