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Risultati 1-20 di 329

Fugger und Hanse

ein Hundertjahriges Ringen um Ostsee und Nordsee

  • Pölnitz, Götz Freiherr von

Il protezionismo imperfetto

Luigi Luzzatti e la tariffa doganale del 1878

  • Pecorari, Paolo

Puertos antiguos y comercio marítimo

III jornadas de arqueología subacuática : Facultat de Geografia i Història, Valencia, 13, 14 y 15 de noviembre de 1997


transactors and their markets in the history of economics

The merchants of Moscow

1580 - 1650

  • Bushkovitch, Paul

Medieval merchant venturers

collected studies

  • Carus-Wilson, E.M.

English merchants

memoirs in illustration of the progress of British commerce

  • Bourne, Henry Richard Fox

Risultati 1-20 di 329