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Risultati 640-660 di 2252

The english factories in India, 1624-1629

a calendar of documents in the India Office, etc.

  • Foster, William 1863-1951

Tra due sponde

lavoro, affari e cultura fra Italia e Stati Uniti nell'eta della grande emigrazione

  • Fasce, Ferdinando

Un'impresa fra terra e mare

Giacomo Filippo Durazzo e soci a Tabarca (1719-1729)

  • Piccinno, Luisa

Trade and civilisation in the Indian Ocean

an economic history from the rise of Islam to 1750

  • Chaudhuri, Kirti N.

Victorian shipping, business and imperial policy

Donald Currie, the Castle Line and Southern Africa

  • Porter, Andrew

Merchants and trading in the sixteenth century

the golden age of Antwerp

  • Puttevils, Jeroen

Dugard of Rouen

French trade to Canada and the West Indies, 1729-1770

  • Miquelon, Dale

Japanese imperialism today

co-prosperity in greater East Asia

  • Halliday, Jon

Mercato e impresa in Europa

l'azienda González de la Sierra nel commercio gaditano tra XVIII e XIX secolo

  • Lepore, Amedeo

Foreign trade in the old Babylonian period

as revealed by texts from southern Mesopotamia

  • Leemans, W.F.

Africans and the industrial revolution in England

a study in international trade and economic development

  • Inikori, J.E.

Relazione sulla missione di indagine di mercato nell'Afghanistan

novembre-dicembre 1959

  • ItaliaMinistero del commercio con l'esteroIstituto nazionale per il commercio estero

Une odyssée gauloise

parures de femmes à l'origine des premiers échanges entre la Grèce et la Gaule

Imperfect competition and international commodity trade

theory, dynamics, and policy modelling

  • Lord, Montague

Aggressive unilateralism

America's 301 trade policy and the world trading system