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Risultati 20-40 di 152

The american grass book

a manual of pasture and range practices

  • Archer, Sellers G.


  • Iannelli, Pierino

Forage and pasture crops

a handbook of information about the grasses and legumes grown for forage in the United States

  • Wheeler, W.A.

Development and preservation of low input Mediterranean pastures and fodder systems

6. meeting of the FAO European sub-network on Mediterranean pastures and fodder crops : Bari, October 17-19, 1990

  • Meeting of the FAO European sub-network on Mediterranean pastures and fodder crops 6. Bari 1990

The pasture book

  • Thompson, W. R.

16. International grassland congress

4-11 october 1989, Nice, France

  • International Grassland Congress 16. Nice 1989

Alpicoltura in Piemonte

indagini e ricerche sull'attivita pastorale e ricensimento dei pascoli montani

Alpicoltura 1 e agricoltura montana

anno accademico 1970-1971

  • D'Errico, Pasquale

Atti della Tavola rotonda Sementi per le colture foraggere mediterranee

Sassari, 29-31 ottobre 1990, Camera di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura

  • Tavola rotonda Sementi per le colture foraggere mediterranee Sassari 1990

Efficient grassland farming

proceedings of the 9. General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation : Reading, 5-9 September 1982

  • General meeting of the European grassland federation 9. Reading 1982