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Risultati 1-20 di 26

The closing of the american mind

[how higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of todays students]

  • Bloom, Allan David

Gli Stati Uniti tra dominio e declino

politica interna, rapporti internazionali e capitalismo globale

  • Sylvers, Malcolm

The sixties...

from memory to history

  • Farber, David

The age of Reagan

the fall of the old liberal order, 1964-1980

  • Hayward, Steven F.


making culture into popular entertainment


la plante sacrée du Pérou

  • Mary, Ronald

The hawk and the dove

Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the history of the Cold War

  • Thompson, Nicholas

Gli Stati Uniti dal 1945 a oggi

politica, economia, società

  • Romero, Federico 1953-

Liberal e conservatori

l'America da Nixon a Bush

  • Mammarella, Giuseppe 1929-

The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

pageantry and patriotism in cold-war America

  • Fried, Richard M.

An American quarter century

U.S. politics from Vietnam to Clinton

Grand expectations

the United States, 1945-1974

  • Patterson, James T.

Promises to keep

the United States since World War 2.

  • Boyer, Paul

Restless giant

the United States from Watergate to Bush v. Gore

  • Patterson, James T.

The unfinished journey

America since World War 2.

  • Chafe, William Henry

Risultati 1-20 di 26