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Risultati 1-20 di 50

Gebildete Doppelgänger

bürgerliche Juden und Protestanten im 19. Jahrhundert

  • Jensen, Uffa

Promised land

how the rise of the middle class transformed America, 1929-1968

  • Stebenne, David L.

Victorian ladies at work

middle-class working women in England and Wales : 1850-1914

  • Holcombe, Lee

Ceti medi in Cisalpina

atti del Colloquio internazionale, 14-16 settembre 2000, Milano

Il puzzle dei ceti medi

  • Bellini, Andrea 1975-

Burocrazia e burocrati a Venezia in età moderna

i cittadini originari (sec. 16.-18.)

  • Zannini, Andrea 1961-

Ceto medio, perchè e come occuparsene

una ricerca del Consiglio italiano per le scienze sociali

  • Consiglio italiano per le scienze sociali

Inequality, marketization and the majority class

why did the european middle classes accept neo-liberalism?

  • Mau, Steffen

Imagining the middle class

the political representation of class in Britain, c. 1780-1840

  • Wahrman, Dror

La questione del ceto medio

un racconto del cambiamento sociale

  • Bagnasco, Arnaldo 1939-

The middle classes in Europe, 1789-1914

France, Germany, Italy and Russia

  • Pilbeam, Pamela M.

The structural transformation of the public sphere

an inquiry into a category of Bourgeois society

  • Habermas, Jürgen

American perspectives

the United States in the modern age

English middle classes

  • Lewis, Roy 1913-1996

The new middle classes

globalizing lifestyles, consumerism and environmental concern

Gefahrdete Mitte?

Mittelschichten und politische Kultur zwischen den Weltkriegen : Italien, Frankreich und Deutschland

Neubürger im späten Mittelalter

Migration und Austausch in der Städtelandschaft des alten Reiches (1250-1550)

Family fortunes

men and women of the English middle class, 1780-1850

  • Davidoff, Leonore

La società non esiste

la fine della classe media occidentale

  • Guilluy, Christophe

Risultati 1-20 di 50