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Risultati 100-120 di 248

Cytodifferentiation and macromolecular synthesis

  • Society for the study of development and growth 21 Asilomar 1962

Cellular differentiation

  • Whittaker, J. Richard

Effects of radiation on meiotic systems

report of a study group on the effects of radiation on meiotic systems organized by the International atomic energy agency and held in Vienna, 8-11 may 1967

  • International atomic energy agency

Microbodies/Peroxisomen pflanzlicher Zellen

morphologie, biochemie, funktion und entwicklung eines zellorganells : with an english assessment

  • Gerhardt, Bernt

General cytology

  • De Robertis, Eduardo D.P.

Plant cells

  • Clowes, Frederick Albert Lionel

Cell synchrony

studies in biosynthetic regulation

  • Cameron, Ivan L.

Risultati 100-120 di 248