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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 138

Ion adventure in the heartland

exploring the heart's ionic-molecular microcosm

  • Dubin, Dale

Physiology and biophysics of the circulation

an introductory text

  • Burton, Alan C.


  • Folkow, Bjorn

Bus services


Bus operations and performance

  • Trasportation research board

Circulation, neurobiology and behavior

proceedings of the working conference on circulation, neurobiology and behavior, held October 4-7, 1981, in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Cardiovascular functions

an American College of Cardiology monograph from "Cardiology : an encyclopedia"

Sopra un nuovo metodo per scrivere i movimenti dei vasi sanguigni nell'uomo

ricerche fatte nel Laboratorio fisiologico di Lipsia

  • Mosso, Angelo 1846-1910


  • Armour, J. Andrew

Fisiologia cardiovascolare

  • Agnati, Luigi Francesco