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Risultati 1-20 di 227

Pontes 2.

Antike im Film

Classici e cinema

il sangue e la stirpe

Representations of antiquity in film

from Griffith to Grindhouse

  • McGeough, Kevin M.

The return of the epic film

genre, aesthetics and history in thetwenty-first century


film and history

Hellas on screen

cinematic receptions of ancient history, literature and myth

1969 un anno bomba

quando il cinema scese in piazza

  • Moscati, Italo

Le péplum

un mauvais genre

  • Aziza, Claude

Classics on screen

ancient Greece and Rome on film

  • Blanshard, Alastair

Cinéma et histoire

autour de Marc Ferro

Il limite dello sguardo

oltre i confini delle immagini

  • Guerra, Michele 1982-

Guida al cinema peplum

Ercole, Ursus, Sansone e Maciste alla conquista di Atlantide

  • Lapeña Marchena, Óscar

Antike und Mittelalter im Film

Konstruktion - Dokumentation - Projektion

Ancient Rome at the cinema

story and spectacle in Hollywood and Rome

  • Theodorakopoulos, Elena

Risultati 1-20 di 227