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Risultati 20-40 di 232


circular causal and feedback mechanisms in biological and social systems

Information warfare 2012

Armi cibernetiche e processo decisionale

AI in the age of cyber-disorder

actors, trends, and prospects

Kybernetische Anthropologie

eine Geschichte der Virtualität

  • Rieger, Stefan

Rise of the machines

a cybernetic history

  • Rid, Thomas

Die Transformation des Humanen

Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte der Kybernetik

Impresa cibernetica

l'impatto delle tecnologie dell'informazione sullo sviluppo organizzativo

  • Langfelder, Mauro

The discovery of the artificial [+]

behavior, mind and machines before and beyond cybernetics

  • Cordeschi, Roberto

Technologies of the gendered body

reading cyborg women

  • Balsamo, Anne Marie

Machine dreams

economics becomes a cyborg science

  • Mirowski, Philip


Ordnungsprozesse in sozialen Systemen aus ganzheitlicher Sicht

  • Probst, Gilbert J. B.

New perspectives on cybernetics

self-organization, autonomy and connectionism

Cybernetics [+]

or control and communication in the animal and the machine

  • Wiener, Norbert