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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-76 di 76

La spectrométrie

appareils et mesures

  • Lefevre, Julien 1852-1916

La spectroscopie

  • Lefevre, Julien 1852-1916

Practical absorption spectrometry

  • Ultraviolet spectrometry group

Near-infrared spectroscopy

principles, instruments, applications

Spectroscope histories

papers based on a workshop organised in collaboration with the IUHPS scientific instrument commission with the support of the Hams-Jenemann Foundation and hosted by the Deutsches Museum Munich, 2001

Proceedings of the sixth infrared and raman users group conference (IRUG 6)

Florence, Italy, March 29th-April 1st 2004

  • Infrared and raman users group conference <6. ; Firenze ; 2004>

Time resolved vibrational spectroscopy

proceedings of the 11. TRVS international conference, Castiglione della Pescaia, May 24-29, 2003

  • TRVS international conference, 11., 2003, Castiglione della Pescaia

Spettroscopia analitica chimica

l'analisi chimica quantitativa con metodi spettrofotometrici

  • Mazzeo, Pietro chimico

Risultati 60-76 di 76