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Risultati 360-380 di 985

La chimica e la microscopia al letto dell'ammalato

elemento diagnostico elaborato con ispeciale riguardo ai bisogni del medico pratico

  • Hoefle, Marco Aurelio

Mass spectrometry [+]

principles and applications

  • Hoffmann, Edmond de

Optimization of chromatographic selectivity

a guide to method development

  • Schoenmakers, Peter J.

Changes in official methods of analysis of the Association of official analytical chemists

1. supplement, 1990 to the 15. ed., 1990 : 2. supplement, 1991 to the 15. ed., 1990 : 3. supplement, 1992 to the 15. ed., 1990 : 4. supplement, 1993 to the 15. ed., 1990 : 5. supplement, 1993 to the 15. ed., 1990

NMR probeheads for biophysical and biomedical experiments

theoretical principles & practical guidelines

  • Mispelte, Joël

Chromatographic separations

analytical chemistry by open learning

  • Sewel, Peter Alexis

High resolution NMR in the solid state

fundamentals of CP/MAS

  • Stejskal, E.O.

Electron probe microanalysis

  • Birks, La Verne Stanfield