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Risultati 20-40 di 69


eine Interpretation

  • Syndikus, Hans Peter

Bilderreigen und Erzähllabyrinth

Catulls Carmen 64

  • Schmale, Michaela

Berenice da Callimaco a Catullo

testo critico, traduzione e commento

  • Marinone, Nino

Tre poeti tra repubblica e impero

Lucrezio, Catullo, Orazio

  • Pasoli, Elio

When the lamp is shattered

desire and narrative in Catullus

  • Janan, Micaela

Clothed in purple light [+]

studies in Vergil and in Latin literature, including aspects of philosophy, religion, magic, Judaism and the New Testament background

  • Brenk, Frederick E.

The abhorrence of love

studies in rituals and mystic aspects in Catullus' poem of Attis

  • Nasstrom, Britt-Mari

Children and heroes

a study of Catullus and Vergil

  • Petrini, Mark

Roman Catullus

and the modification of the Alexandrian sensibility

  • Newman, John Kevin

Lesbia und Juventius

zwei libelli im Corpus Catullianum : Untersuchungen zur Publikationsform und Authentizität der überlieferten Gedichtfolge

  • Beck, Jan-Wilhelm


an interpretation

  • Quinn, Kenneth

Catullus in Verona

a reading of the Elegiac Libellus, poems 65-116

  • Skinner, Marilyn B.

Studi catulliani [+]

  • Pepe, Luigi<1915-1993>


(Catullo - Orazio )

  • Pascoli, Giovanni

Studi catulliani

  • Salvatore, Armando