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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 175

Organising knowledge

an introduction to information retrieval

  • Rowley, Jennifer E.

Tendenze attuali della comunicazione bibliografica

la sfida del plurilinguismo

  • De Franceschi Soravito, Gianna Rosa

IFLA cataloguing principles: steps towards an international cataloguing code, 2

report from the 2. IFLA Meeting of experts on an international cataloguing code, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004

  • IFLA Meeting of experts on an international cataloguing code 2. Buenos Aires 2004

Ifla cataloguing principles: steps towards an International cataloguing code

report from the 1. Ifla Meeting of experts on an International cataloguing code, Frankfurt, 2003

  • IFLA Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code 1. Frankfurt 2003

Proceedings of the Bicentennial conference on bibliographic control for the new millenium

confronting the challenges of networked resources and the web : Washington, D.C., November 15-17, 2000

  • Bicentennial conference on bibliographic control for the new millenium Washington 2000


  • Scolari, Antonio 1954-

°1!: Lezione 1: La catalogazione

problemi e principi ; Lezione 2: FRBR : Functional requirements for bibliografic records

  • Guerrini, Mauro 1953-


1975-1987 : bibliografia

  • Gruppo di studio sull'analisi e l'indicizzazione dei documentiSezione Lazio

UNIMARC manual [+]

bibliographic format

A history of cataloguing and cataloguing methods, 1100-1850 ; with an introductory survey of ancient times

a thesis accepted for the Honours Diploma of the Library Association

  • Norris, Dorothy May

Functional requirements for bibliographic records

final report

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsStudy group on the functional requirements for bibliographic records

Requisiti funzionali per record bibliografici [+]

rapporto conclusivo

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsStudy group on the functional requirements for bibliographic records


universal format for authorities

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsSteering group on a UNIMARC format for authorities

Functional requirements for authority data

a conceptual model : final report, december 2008

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsWorking group on functional requirements and numbering of authority records

IFLA cataloguing principles: steps towards an International cataloguing code, 5

report from the 5. IFLA Meeting of experts on an International cataloguing code, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007

  • IFLAMeeting of experts on an international cataloguing code 5. Pretoria 2007

The bibliographic universe and the new IFLA cataloging principles

Lectio magistralis in Biblioteconomia, Firenze, Universita' degli studi di Firenze, 14 marzo 2008

  • Tillett, Barbara B.

Regole italiane di catalogazione


  • Commissione permanente per la revisione delle regole italiane di catalogazione

La vertigine del catalogo

schede, inventari e norme nelle biblioteche governative italiane prima delle regole nazionali

  • De Pasquale, Andrea 1970-