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Risultati 20-40 di 256

Ri. Pack Design

progettare in carta e cartone : buone pratiche e nuovi modelli di consumo contro lo spreco alimentare

  • Catania, Anna 1965-

The institute of paper conservation

10th anniversary conference new directions in paper conservation ...

  • Anniversary conference new directions in paper conservation 10. Oxford 1986

Historic textile and paper materials

conservation and characterization : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Cellulose, paper and textile division at the 188th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 27-29, 1984

  • American chemical society 188. Philadelphia 1984

A roundtable on mass deacidification

report on a meeting held September 12-13, 1991 in Andover, Massachusetts

Stampa, legatoria, cartotecnica

dizionario tecnico in italiano, francese, inglese, tedesco, spagnolo

  • Gianni, Enrico

White magic

the age of paper

  • Muller, Lothar

Mechanics of wood and paper materials

[papers] presented at the Winter annual meeting of the American society of mechanical engineers, Dallas, Texas, November 25-30, 1990

All'uso di Francia

dalla moda all'industria : carte decorate, papier peint e tessile stampato nel sec. 18. : La bottega Bertinazzi, Bologna, 1760-1896

  • Tomasina, Gianna Paola

L' altra faccia del macero

applicazioni industriali, artigianali e d'arte a base di fibre riciclate

Origami e cose di carta

tagliare, piegare, incollare, decorare

  • Jackson, Paul 1956-

Most wonderful machine

mechanization and social change in Berkshire paper making, 1801-1885

  • McGaw, Judith A.