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Risultati 40-60 di 403

Cancer of the exocrine pancreas, liver and extrahepatic biliary tracts

medical and surgical problems : Rome (Italy), June 18-19, 1982

Oncologia medica

  • Ciardiello, Fortunato

The carcinoid syndrome

  • Grahame-Smith, David G.

Dry cleaning, some chlorinated solvents and other industrial chemicals

views and expert opinions of an IARC working group on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to human which met in Lyon, 7-14 february 1995

  • IARC working group on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans Lyon 1995

Atti della Società italiana di cancerologia

1. Congresso nazionale, Milano, 8-9 aprile 1958. Parte prima, Il carcinoma mammario negli "inbred strains" del topo

  • Società italiana di cancerologia

Atti del primo convegno nazionale

Milano 16-17 ottobre 1927, anno 5.

  • Lega italiana per la lotta contro il cancro

Evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens [+]

report of the International programme on chemical safety's collaborative study on in vitro assays

Die Ausbreitung des Krebses

Invasion und Metastasierung

  • Kellner, Béla

Pathogenesis of cancer

  • Gregory, John Edward

La medicina oncologica

diagnosi, terapia e gestione clinica

Atlante TNM [+]

guida illustrata alla classificazione TNM/pTNM dei tumori maligni

Carcinogenically Active Chemicals

A Reference Guide

  • Lewis, Richard J.

Endocrine aspects of breast cancer

proceedings of a conference held at the University of Glasgow, 8th to 10th July, 1957

  • Conference on the endocrine aspects of breast cancer Glasgow 1957