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Risultati 20-40 di 624

Québec and its historians

the twentieth century

  • Gagnon, Serge

The moved and the shaken

the story of one man's life

  • Dryden, Ken


an illustrated history

  • Roy, Patricia E.

The union of the Canadas

the growth of Canadian institutions 1841-1857

  • Careless, J. M. S.

Louis Riel

patriote ou rebelle?

  • Stanley, George

The Collins dictionary of Canadian history

1867 to the present

  • BercusonDavid Jay

The decline of politics

the Conservatives and the party system, 1901-20

  • English, John

When the work's all done this fall

the settling of the land

  • McIntosh, Dave

Le Sauvage pendant la période heroïque de la Nouvelle-France (1534-1663)

d'après les historiens canadiens-français des XIXe et XXe siècle

  • Smith, Donald B.

Yankee doodle dandy

Brian Mulroney and the American agenda

  • McDonald, Marci