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Risultati 280-300 di 624

Men of the saddle

working cowboys of Canada

  • Grant, Ted

Ravens and prophets

an account of journeys in British Columbia, Alberta and southern Alaska

  • Woodcock, George

Les canadiens français

de 1760 à nos jours

  • Wade, Mason

Toronto during the French régime

a history of the Toronto region from Brule to Simcoe, 1615-1793

  • Robinson, Percy

Canada, 1874-1896

arduous destiny

  • Waite, Peter

New Brunswick

a history, 1784-1867

  • MacNutt, William Stewart

Québec in the Duplessis era, 1935-1959

dictatorship or democracy?

  • Nish, Cameron

The Finns in Canada

  • Lindstrom-Best, Varpu

Gabriel Dumont

the Métis chief and his lost world

  • Woodcock, George 1912-

Turmoil in the peaceable kingdom

the Quebec sovereignty movement and its implications for Canada and the United States

  • Lemco, Jonathan

Les rébellions de 1837-1838

les patriotes du Bas-Canada dans la mémoire collective et chez les historiens

  • Bernard, Jean-Paul