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extracts from the lost Kathaka-Brahmana, Kathaka -Srautasutra and Kathaka-Grhyasutras : Samskrtagranthebhyah sangrhitani Kathakabrahmana, Kathakasrautasutra, Kathakagrhyasutranamuddharanani

The Rigveda and Vedic religion

(with readings from the Vedas)

  • Clayton, A.C.

The Rigveda

the earliest religious poetry of India


the domestic rules and sacred laws of the Vaikhanasa school belonging to the Black Yajurveda

Pinnacles of India's past

selections from the Rgveda

The Divine consort

Radha and the goddesses of India

A storm of songs

India and the idea of the bhakti movement

  • Hawley, John Stratton

Vita di Ramananda

il Ramanandajanmotsava dell'Agastya-Samhita

  • Caracchi, Pinuccia

Buddhism in Tamilnadu

a new perspective

  • Hikosaka, Shu

Buddhism in Afghanistan and Central Asia

part. 2, Minor divinities and assimilated divinities, monks and ascetics, mandalas

The haviryajnah somah

the interrelations of the Vedic solemn sacrifices : Sankhayana Srautasutra 14, 1-13, translation and notes

  • Gonda, J.