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Risultati 1-20 di 116

Economic botany

devoted to past, present and future uses of plants by people

A modern herbal

the medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and economic properties, cultivation and folk-lore of herbs, grasses, fungi shrubs & trees with all their modern scientific uses

  • Grieve, M.

L'uomo e le piante nella preistoria

Sala del frantoio, Museo di storia naturale e del territorio, Calci (Pisa), dal 24 aprile al 16 maggio 2004

Botanical miscellany

containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the arts, in medicine, and in domestic oeconomy ; together with occasional botanical notices and information

  • Hooker, William Jackson

The plant community

  • Hanson, Herbert C.

Ethnobotany in the neotropics


  • Etnobotany in the neotropics symposium Oxford, Ohio 1983

Economic botany

principles and practices

  • Wickens, Gerald E.

La flora economica e popolare del territorio bresciano [+]

note pratiche sulla utilizzazione dei vegetali spontanei del territorio bresciano anche nella terapia familiare

  • Arietti, Nino

Erbe amiche

  • Sanna, Emilio

Risultati 1-20 di 116