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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 840-860 di 5338

Ancient DNA

recovery and analysis of genetic material from paleontological, archaeological, museum, medical, and forensic specimens

Receptor-specific proteins

plant and animal lectins

  • Gold, Edwin Richard

Radiation research

biomedical, chemical, and physical perspectives : proceedings of the 5th international congress of radiation reasearch. Seattle, Washington, july 14-20, 1974

  • International congress of radiation research 5. Seattle 1974

Techniques d'etude des facteurs physiques de la biosphere

INRA, 1970. - (INRA n. 70-4)

  • Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique

Radioactive indicators

their application in biochemistry, animal physiology and pathology

  • Hevesy, Georg von

I tuoi ormoni e il tuo destino

nozioni a tutti indispensabili sulle ghiandole a secrezione interna

  • Venzmer, Gerhard

Vitalisms from haller to the Cell theory

proceedings of the Zaragoza Symposium XIXth International Congress of History of Science 22-29 August 1993

  • International Congress of History of Science 19. Zaragoza 22-29 August 1993


space, time, and life

  • MacDonald, Glen Michael


die Lehre von den elektrischen Vorgängen im Organismus auf moderner Grundlage dargestellt

  • Bernstein, Julius