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Risultati 440-460 di 5338

Problems of biological physics

  • Blumenfeld, Lev Alexandrovitsch



  • Pincussen, Ludwig


the chemical reactions of living cells

  • Metzler, David Everett

Le désert

image et réalité : actes du Colloque de Cartigny 1983

Nucleic acid metabolism, cell differentiation and cancer growth

proceedings of the Second International Symposium for cellular chemistry at Biwako Hotel, Ohtsu, October 17 to 21, 1966

  • International symposium for cellular chemistry 2. Ohtsu 1966

Population dynamics

new approaches and synthesis

Principi di ecologia

fattori ecologici ecosistemica applicazioni

  • Susmel, Lucio

Chromosomes today

volume 7 : proceedings of the seventh international chromosome conference held in Oxford, England, 26-31 August 1980