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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 239

Ingegneria genetica

principi e tecniche

  • Primrose, Sandy


  • Sgaramella, Vittorio

Short protocols in molecular biology

a compendium of methods from current protocols in molecular biology

DNA science

a first course

  • Micklos, David A.

Symposium on molecular aspects of differentiation

given at Research conference for biology and medicine of the atomic energy commission, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, April 8-11, 1968

  • Symposium on molecular aspects of differentiation Gatlinburg 1968

Plant molecular biology

molecular genetic analysis of plant development and metabolism

  • Coruzzi, Gloria

Modern biological principles

  • Winchester, Albert McCombs

The genome

  • Verma, Ram S.

Molecular biology

a comprehensive introduction to prokaryotes and eukaryotes

  • Freifelder, David

Regulation of cloroplast differentiation

proceedings of an international meeting on the Regulation of chloroplast differentiation, july 14-20, 1985, held at Rodhes

Molecular biology of plant development

proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Glasgow, Scotland 28-31 August 1990

Molecular botany: signals and the environment

Biochemical Society Symposium No.60 held at the University of Leeds, Spring 1993