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Risultati 240-260 di 447


  • Brown, T.A.

DNA barcodes

methods and protocols

Cellular responses to DNA damage

Proceedings of the UCLA symposium held at Keystone, Colorado, April 10-15, 1983

Cell biology [+]

  • Robertis, Eduardo Diego Patricio de

The evolution of melanism

the study of a recurring necessity : with special reference to industrial melanism in the lepidoptera

  • Kettlewell, Bernard

Les costituants morphologiques du cytoplasme

le systeme vacuolaire ouvacuome

  • Guilliermond, A.

Uguali ma diversi

quello che i nostri geni non controllano

  • Spector, Tim

Microtubules and microtubule inhibitors

proceedings of the International symposium on microtubules inhibitors : Beerse, Belgium, 2-5 september, 1975